7 research outputs found

    E-Learning Moodle SMK PGRI 1 TANGERANG

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    Over the past 10 years, many educational institutions around the world have developed a variety of online learning media available to students. Online learning media makes the concept of educational institutions more flexible and resilient, especially in SMK PGRI 1 Tangerang. This research aims to create Moodle e-learning media to be used as learning media for SMK PGRI 1 Tangerang. The survey included data collected from 283 students, focusing on student and teacher perceptions of learning in Moodle. The data was processed using SPSS 26, and analysis of the data obtained revealed various factors associated with the implementation of Moodle's pedagogical, technical and managerial approach. The results show that people familiar with Moodle recognize the importance and usefulness of Moodle because it can be easily accessed from any web-enabled location. They are happy with Moodle and feel the importance of Moodle. Moodle also helps them better understand and learn subjects by changing the web content of the course, especially if students prefer the face-to-face method, but support online Moodle activities as the preferred method of learning

    Sistem Aplikasi Raport Berbasis Web pada SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Cipondoh Kota Tangerang

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    Seiring meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan yang semakin berkembang dan mutu dunia pendidikan, Tentunya semua itu tidak terlepas dari penggunaan teknologi komputer sebagai salah satu media yang banyak memberikan manfaat. SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Cipondoh Kota Tangerang sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang resmi, merupakan salah satu komponen yang ikut bertanggung jawab dan berkontribusi untuk mencerdaskan bangsa, serta mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional secara umum dan tujuan pendidikan sekolah secara internal. Proses pengisian nilai raport yang berjalan di SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Cipondoh Kota Tangerang untuk saat ini yaitu pengisian dan pengolahan nilai raport di awali dengan tahapan pada saat guru dari masing-masing bidang studi menyerahkan nilai kepada wali kelas, kemudian wali kelas memeriksa dan membuat rekap nilai dari masing-masing mata pelajaran, selanjutnya wali kelas memberikan kepada staff tata usaha untuk mencetaknya. Dimana nilai tersebut akan menjadi nilai akademik yang di laporkan pada sebuah buku laporan kemajuan belajar siswa atau raport setiap semester dan untuk di serahkan kepada wali murid. Sistem diatas masih terdapat kekurangan karena dalam proses pengolahan dan penyimpanan data terutama nilai akademik siswa masih manual seperti dalam bentuk microsoft excel. Dimana proses pengisian raport tersebut belum memanfaatkan sistem aplikasi yang terkomputerisasi sehingga, belum terdapat pengolahan nilai secara bersama dalam sebuah sistem. Oleh karena itu, peneliti ingin mengangkat pembahasan diatas lebih lanjut dan lebih efisien. Dengan merancang dan membangun sistem yang dapat membantu dalam pengisian nilai siswa dengan tujuan agar pembuatan nilai raport dapat dilakukan dengan baik serta mampu mengatasi permasalahan yang ada di SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Cipondoh Tangerang

    Tourism Geographic Information System using Google API Banten

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    Banten Province as a Province adjacent to the Capital City of Jakarta and Banten Province is a province that is very well known because it has tourist areas in districts and sub-districts in Banten that have the main attraction to be visited by tourists, but the lack of information about existing tourist objects , and in searching for tourist information there are still many using maps manually, so we need an application that provides information services about tourist attractions in Banten, Web information system design provides information about the potential of the region as a tourist attraction in Banten Province. The geographic information system of web-based tourism in the province of Banten by using the Google Map API that can facilitate tourists searching, the location of users, interesting places and to find out the natural beauty and history in the province of Banten. This system is designed to make it easier for users to use and be more interactive. Supported by facilities to show the direction to the tourist attractions chosen by the user, as well as the addition of data visualization. This system is expected to be a guide and dissemination of travel information in Banten Province. Presentation of information in the form of images and maps will make it easier to understand users who will get the information effectively and efficiently. With the presence of this application is provided to meet the information needs of attractions in Banten Provinc

    Web-Based IT Helpdesk Ticketing System at PT. Dayacipta Kemasindo

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    An IT helpdesk is a software or system that helps users troubleshoot their IT facility through one or more points of contact. Then, it allows users to troubleshoot, track their problems, and get help with products or services. PT Dayacipta Kemasindo, in carrying out administrative processes, and work in the office, cannot be separated from the use of IT, so if there is a problem with IT facilities, it requires assistance from the IT department. However, there are several problems, one of which is that the department that reports disturbances and damage often does not know how long it will take for their issues to be handled because the process of queuing for work is not clearly visible, so it seems relatively slow. The purpose of this research is to develop an IT Helpdesk system for trouble reporting and monitoring repair work. The result of this research is a system that can be used by the IT department to help monitor incoming assignments and work

    ERP Software Selection Strategy Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Case Study: PT Gramedia Printing

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an integrated information system technology used by world-class manufacturers to improve company performance. According to the policy determined by Kompas Gramedia, in all business sectors, the strategy must implement ERP. Printing PT Gramedia plans to implement ERP. The ERP that will be implemented in the printing company has not yet decided which ERP to use. Persian Malan. The choice of ERP in PT Gramedia printing is the object of research. The research was conducted by applying quantitative research methods, using raw data and auxiliary data as samples. The test results and analysis are expected to provide guidelines for PT Gramedia's print management to choose the correct implementation of ERP, so as to realize the vision to be realize

    Asset and Inventory Data Monitoring Application Design PT. Transmarco

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    The use of IT asset and inventory management information systems can greatly benefit businesses in managing their IT assets. The objective of this study is to develop an information system application that simplifies the management of IT assets by monitoring inventory data, tracking requests for repair, borrowing, purchase, and inventory recording of IT assets. The study was conducted at PT. Transmarco and the development of the information system application involved layout design, diagram design (including an activity diagram), and database design processes. Modular programming languages such as PHP, Sublime Text, MySQL, and CSS were used in the development process. The IT Asset and Inventory Data Monitoring Application provides information on incoming goods data, outgoing goods data, stock goods, and usage history. By implementing this application, it is expected that managing asset data and IT inventory at PT. Transmarco will become much simpler, including managing item data, item history, and stock of goods. This system will enable firm personnel to efficiently manage IT assets according to the desired outcomes. Overall, the development of the IT asset and inventory data monitoring application at PT. Transmarco showcases the potential benefits of IT asset and inventory management information systems for businesses. The streamlining of IT asset management processes can result in improved efficiency, reduced costs, and better decision-making regarding IT asset investments

    Rare red blood cell abnormalities

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    The development of information technology now has reached to all fields and become something very important in life, humans need information that is fast, accurate, and accurate in presenting data. A geographical information system an information processing service that contains data information displayed in a map view, this system can provide information more easily and support health management. Posyandu geographic information systems can help communities to find out where a posyandu is located. Designing a leaflet-based geographical information system on posyandu in Pinang District to search for posyandu located in the Pinang District area of Tangerang City. The results of this study are in the form of a geographic information system that is connected to a google map that can show a map of the location of the community health center and information from each Posyandu in Pinang District, Tangerang City